Dear Parents and Students:
Welcome to Walton Chorus! My name is Michelle Dobo, and I am the uniform chairperson. Because there are over 350 kids in Walton Chorus, our dress supplier has a hard time accommodating our order in the fall in time for us to guarantee that we have the dresses and give parents enough time to get them hemmed by the October Concert. For this reason, we usually measure and order dresses in the spring/summer. Below are the uniform requirements for the chorus program. The formal uniform will be available to purchase between 5/1/25 and 6/16/25.
Students are required to wear the official Walton Chorus uniform to each chorus concert. Concerts do serve as a performance grade, so it is vital this payment be made by the deadline of 6/16/25 to ensure student success.
If your family is experiencing financial difficulties, please contact me as soon as possible at or (404) 429-7355 to discuss other resources we have available to ensure your child is properly outfitted for concerts. We have several gently used dresses and tuxedos that have been donated by previous chorus members upon graduation for this purpose, and we are happy to help. Also, you do not have to be in financial difficulty to have a gently used uniform. We have an extensive gently used inventory and can usually outfit many students for free or reduced price.
Treble Choir(Soprano and Alto) Uniform:
- Casual Chorus Uniform T-shirt – Required, more information to follow in the fall and not available for purchase until August.
- Formal Chorus Uniform Choice #1 – Long navy and black dress, concert black Character shoes, and a garment bag.
- Or Choice #2 – Black zip up jacket with Mandarin collar and black pants. Shoes are an additional purchase and may be black dress shoes, black closed toe ballet flats, or Character shoes mentioned above. Please contact me if your child chooses this option because there is a different fitting and ordering process for this choice.
- All measurements will be taken in the spring/summer, and all Formal uniform items will be ordered through the chorus department as a group.
- Alterations may be needed prior to the first concert. The dresses will need to be hemmed 1 ½ inches from the floor WITH the uniform shoes on, and this hem length is to be maintained during their tenure in chorus.
- Total cost for Choice #1 is $137.00 which includes a dress, shoes, and a garment bag . Choice #2 is $112 for jacket, pants, and a garment bag (shoes sold separately, either on your own or purchasing Character shoes a la carte).
Payment Instructions for Treble Choir Uniform:
Access the payment website using this link after 5/1/25. Access the Payment system by clicking on Walton Chorus Uniform Ordering and Payments
Please do not try to pay until we have fitted your child and determined a price based on your combination of new and/or used pieces. Thank you!
- The Choice #1 uniform is listed first. Choice #2 is listed second.
- The additional a la carte items (dress only, shoes only, garment bag only, pearls only) are included as options for those students who have already procured one or more of the uniform pieces from a previous student, and therefore will not need to order the entire uniform package. If this situation applies to you, please notify me by email at
- The additional a la carte items (dress only, Character shoes only, and garment bag only) are included as options for those students who have already procured one or more of the uniform pieces from a previous student, and therefore will not need to order the entire uniform package. If this situation applies to you, please notify me by email at .
Thank you in advance for your attention to this important step in preparing your child for a successful year in the Walton Chorus Program and we look forward to getting to know you and your child next year.
Michelle Dobo Walton Chorus Uniform Chair
Choice #1 – Formal Chorus Dress

Choice #2 – Black Zip up and Black Pants

Treble Choir Survey
Complete the Treble Choir Survey