Walton Chorus depends on fundraising to enable us to present our students with the best music and equipment possible. Because we value our students and parents time and resources, we strive to keep our fundraising requests to a minimum.
The Walton Choral Booster Club has designated three primary ways of raising funds to support our program:
- Booster Club Student Participation Fee ($60 per student)
- Booster Club Sponsorship through donations
- Matching donations from employers (Many employers offer matching gift programs for non-profits*. Coca-Cola, IBM, Home Depot, Deloitte, and General Electric are just a handful of companies that offer this benefit. Please speak with your office administrator or HR Director to see if your company will match your gift)
- Family/Company Sponsorship (Coming Soon)
- Raffle
The Booster Club spends approximately $300 per student each year above and beyond the funds received from Cobb County. Though Cobb County supplies Walton with the basic tools to run a chorus program, it is the generous support from the Booster Club that provides the exceptional program Walton Chorus has come to expect and enjoy.
Your Student Participation Fee helps to offset the many expenses incurred throughout the year, such as:
- Informal Uniform T-shirt
- Access to resources provided by the Walton Choral Booster Club including, but not limited to:
- Sheet music for all pieces presented at concerts and LGPE
- Arrangements
- Accompanists in the classroom and at concerts
- Concert Musicians
- Clinicians
- Awards
- Scholarships for seniors
- Concert Videos for classroom instruction
- Concert Venues
- LGPE registration for every student
- Refreshments at concerts and LGPE
- Website, Charms, and other communications
In addition to the Student Participation Fee, your generous donations are critical to ensuring the continued success of the Walton Chorus! Here are the Sponsorship Benefits by level:

Gold and Platinum donations can be paid in installments, please contact the V.P. of Booster Relations to make arrangements.
Donation levels are by family. Corporate matching gifts WILL count toward your Sponsorship Level! If your company has a matching gift program, please contact the V.P. of Booster Relations with details. We still appreciate any matching gift from your company and are happy to provide help if needed. Some companies (like Delta Air Lines) only match for education, so in this case, the match would go to Walton High School (not the Chorus Booster Club), and be used toward our classroom accompanists.
*Please note: BOTH the Student Participation Fee AND the Booster Donations are entirely tax deductible.
The Walton Choral Booster Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit formed to assist the Walton Choral Music Department. EIN: 58-2188768 (Deductibility Code: PC: Public Charity) It is governed by a board consisting of the elected Booster Club Officers, Committee Chairpersons, and the Choral Directors.