Dear Parents and Students:
Welcome to Walton Chorus! My name is Michelle Dobo, I am one of the uniform chairpersons along with Emily Lieske and Stephanie Bractancia for the choral department. Below are the uniform requirements for the chorus program which must be purchased by 8/22/22 to ensure they are received and properly tailored in time for the first concert in October.
On August 9th at 6:30 pm, we will have our Mandatory Annual Parent Meeting (in person in the Walton Theater) where we will display the chorus attire, and I can answer any additional questions on uniforms.Â
Students are required to wear the official Walton Chorus uniform to each chorus concert. Concerts serve as a performance grade, so it is vital this payment be made by the deadline of 8/22/22 to ensure student success.
If your family is experiencing financial difficulties, please contact me as soon as possible at or (404) 429-7355 to discuss other resources we have available to ensure your child is properly outfitted for concerts. We have several gently used dresses and tuxedos that have been donated by previous chorus members upon graduation for this purpose, and we are happy to help.
Female Uniform
- Informal Chorus Uniform T-Shirt: Included in Participation Fee payment
- Formal Chorus Uniform: Long navy and black dress, concert black Character shoes, a single strand of faux pearls, and a garment bag.
- The Uniform Chair will arrange for the girls to be fitted, and all uniform items ordered through the chorus department as a group in August.
- Total cost for these four items is $140.00, and must be purchased utilizing the online system ( no later than 8/22/22 to ensure delivery in time for the first concert in October.
- Alterations may be needed prior to the first concert. The dresses will need to be hemmed 1 ½ inches from the floor WITH the uniform shoes on, and this hem length is to be maintained during their tenure in chorus. Sue Jones, or 404 518-6793, is a seamstress who knows exactly what to do and has been hemming Walton Chorus dresses for many years, charges $25. However, you may use whomever you like for this.
If you are a female and are new to Walton chorus, please complete this survey by August 1st:
Payment Instructions for Female Uniform:
Once your female student has been fitted and a price has been determined based on your combination of new and/or used pieces, then please pay for your uniform combo below. Thank you!
- The complete 4-piece female uniform is listed first – this is the one most of the girls will be purchasing.
- If you have the Dickerson Chorus dress and it still fits well, it is the same as the Walton Chorus dress and you only need the 3 piece bundle (Shoes, Pearls, and Garment Bag) for $58.
- The additional female a la carte items (dress only, girls shoes only, pearls only, and garment bag only) are included as options for those students who have already procured one or more of the uniform pieces from a previous student, and therefore will not need to order the entire uniform package. If this situation applies to you, please notify me by email at
Please do not try to pay until we have fitted your child and determined a price based on your combination of new and/or used pieces. Thank you!
Female 4-Piece Uniform for $140
Dickerson Chorus 3-Piece Package (Shoes, Pearls, Garment Bag) for $58
The additional a la carte items (dress only, shoes only, pearls only, garment bag only) are included as options for those students who have already procured one or more of the uniform pieces from a previous student, and therefore will not need to order the entire uniform package. If this situation applies to you, please notify me by email at .
Dress Only for $87
Shoes for $45
Pearls for $8
Garment Bag for $10

Male Uniform
- Informal Chorus Uniform T-shirt: Included in Participation Fee payment
- Formal Chorus Uniform: Traditional black tuxedo, white traditional collar dress shirt, long black chorus tie, black dress shoes, and black socks. (Men must provide their own black dress shoes and black dress socks.) Men of A Cappella will be issued a vest for use during the school year. Vests belong to Walton Chorus and must be returned at the end of the school year.
Two Options for Male Formal Uniform:
- Purchase Walton Chorus Tux directly via our vendor Bel Fiore Bridal at 1205 Johnson Ferry Rd, Suite 138, Marietta, GA in the Woodlawn Shopping Center no later than September 1, 2022. The cost is $175 (plus tax) and includes pants, jacket, shirt, tie, and garment bag. Alterations are at an additional cost. You may drop in at any time on Wednesdays to get fitted. Otherwise, please contact Bel Fiore Bridal for a fitting appointment at 770-509-7185.
- If a student already owns a black tuxedo, they may use it instead of purchasing one.
- Please allow time for alterations to be completed prior to the first concert in October.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this important step in preparing your child for a successful year in the Walton Chorus Program. We look forward to getting to know you and your child this year!
*Students cannot participate in the chorus concert unless they have a uniform.
Walton Choral Booster Club – Uniform Chairs:
- Michelle Dobo: (404) 429-7355
- Emily Lieske
- Stephanie Bractancia